Results List
Repairing the Broken Infrastructure of Justice in America
Source: Gara LaMarche
Steps to repair the US justice system are outlined in this speech by Gara LaMarche, The Atlantic Philanthropies’ President and CEO, at the Alliance for Justice 30th Anniversary Luncheon, Washington, D.C. View video of this speech at the Alliance for Justice web site. Thank you,…
Resource type: Speech
Civil Partnership and Ireland: How a Minority Achieved a Majority
Source: Clear Thinking Communications & Center for Evaluation Innovation
In 2010, Ireland enacted some of the most far-reaching legal protections for gay and lesbian couples in the world. The case study describes the story of how this historic legislation gained passage in a largely Catholic country that just 16 years earlier had decriminalised homosexual…
Resource type: Research Report
The Atlantic Philanthropies in Northern Ireland: 1991-2014
Source: The Atlantic Philanthropies
Note: In 2017, we published an updated version of this report as part of our Country Books series. Between 1991 and 2014, Atlantic invested more than $554 million in Northern Ireland to support the peace process, address the legacy of violent conflict, protect and expand…
Resource type: Research Report
Promoting Dignity, Equality and Opportunity for All People
In October 2008, days before the U.S. presidential election, the American Constitution Society released “Human Rights at Home: A Domestic Policy Blueprint for the New Administration.” The Blueprint addresses “the gap between the promise and practice” of human rights in the United States and proposes…
Resource type: Grantee Story
UN Universal Periodic Review Stakeholder Report: Ireland
Source: United Nations
This report is a summary of 60 stakeholder submissions to the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) on Ireland and is compiled by the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. The report will assist members of the Human Rights Council in advance of Ireland’s examination before the…
Resource type: Research Report
Civil Partnership Commencement Order Signing
Interviews with Dermot Ahern TD, Minister for Justice and Law Reform, Kieran Rose, Chair and Co-founder of GLEN, Christopher Robson, Board Member and Co-founder of GLEN, Muriel Walls, Solicitor and Family Law Expert, Dr. Fergus Ryan, Head, Department of Law DIT. The signing of the…
Resource type: Video
Ireland’s UPR
Ireland’s UPR was written and produced by award winning film maker Aoibheann O’Sullivan. The film documents the compilation and submission of Your Rights. Right Now-Ireland’s UPR Stakeholder Report. On 21 March 2011 the Your Rights. Right Now campaign submitted its joint civil society stakeholder report to the 12th Session of the…
Resource type: Video
Marriage Equality – Civil Marriage for Gay and Lesbian People
Source: O'Carroll Associates and Hibernian Consulting
This case study, based on an evaluation of Marriage Equality’s work funded by Atlantic, describes the strategic learning points of Marriage Equality’s advocacy campaign to achieve the policy outcome of civil marriage for same-sex couples in the Republic of Ireland. Marriage Equality is an Atlantic…
Resource type: Case Study
Civil Partnership Bill passes in Ireland
The Irish government has passed, with support so overwhelming that a vote was not required, all stages of the Civil Partnership Bill, giving new legal rights to non-marital couples. Irish Justice Minister Dermot Ahern said “it was one of the most important human rights pieces…
Resource type: Video
Better Together? Philanthropy and Government: Lessons from The Atlantic Philanthropies and Irish Government Partnership-based Co-Investments
Source: Institute of Public Administration
This study shows how philanthropy, civil society organizations and government can work together to effectively build capacity and enhance policy and service delivery. It also offers lessons for philanthropies and government drawn from the successes and failures of Atlantic’s and the Irish Government’s co-investments. Authors Richard…
Resource type: Research Report