Results List
No More Half Measures: Supporting Advocacy Capacity and Policy Campaigns
Source: Center for Evaluation Innovation
Five Ways Foundations Can Better Support Policy Campaigns and Build Lasting Advocacy Capacity This research brief explores the challenges facing grantmakers who fund policy campaigns without simultaneously considering how their funding choices affect long-term advocacy capacity. Failure to consider that risk leaves policy wins vulnerable and defenseless to oppositional interests, or leaves…
Resource type: Research Report
Advocacy Capacity Training Assessment: An Overview of the Field
Source: The Headwaters Group
The Headwaters Group prepared this report for The Atlantic Philanthropies to inform philanthropic efforts to build advocacy capacity among state and local groups. The report provides an overview of current advocacy training exploring who does it, how it is done and what appears to be…
Resource type: Research Report
Capacity Building in the Children and Young People’s Sector in Ireland: A Field-Level Study
Source: Mary Rafferty and Anne Colgan
This case study focuses on Atlantic’s role in helping build the capacity of the children and young people’s sector in the Republic of Ireland between 2004 and 2014. The report found: Building capacity at the field level requires a strategic and systemic approach, which includes…
Resource type: Case Study
Building Capacity for Maximum Impact
Source: Gara LaMarche
Gara LaMarche delivers the Keynote Address at the Better Business Bureau of Metropolitan New York Symposium: Baruch College School of Public Affairs. It’s a little odd that I should be standing here this morning to share some thoughts about the role of evaluation in foundations…
Resource type: Speech
Migration and Integration
Source: Centre on Migration, Policy and Society
The influx of migration into Ireland has left the government grappling with many issues and gives nongovernmental organisations an opening to play a large role in influencing policy and the nature and style of interventions, according to this study, which was funded by The Atlantic…
Resource type: Research Report
Bermuda Civil Society Project: Analysis of Social Service Agencies
Source: Root Cause
This report aims to increase understanding of the gaps and overlaps in services being provided to address social issues in Bermuda. It is part of the Bermuda Civil Society Project (BCSP), an independent research and data analysis initiative designed to clarify how nonprofit agencies and other…
Resource type: Research Report
Philanthropy’s Role in Ageing Issues
Source: Gara LaMarche
The Atlantic Philanthropies’ approach to funding in ageing, including its emphasis on advocacy, is outlined in this speech by Gara LaMarche, Atlantic’s President and CEO, at the Annual Meeting of Grantmakers in Aging in San Diego, California in November 2007. When I was asked a…
Resource type: Speech
Assessment of Atlantic Philanthropies’ Support for the Health Sector in Viet Nam: 1998–2003
Source: Thomas Kane
The Atlantic Philanthropies-supported construction and renovation projects of hospitals and other facilities in Central Viet Nam have had a positive impact on the medical staff, patients and families receiving services, according to this evaluation commissioned by Atlantic. This assessment reviews 17 health-sector projects, covering the…
Resource type: Evaluation
Laying the Foundation for Public Health in Viet Nam
As Viet Nam aspires to greater economic development, the health of its citizens is of primary importance to achieve and sustain growth. For a country with limited resources, good health can only be attained when there are sensible population health policies for allocation of resources…
Resource type: Grantee Story
The Corner Office, Non-Profit Edition: A Practitioner’s Thoughts on Social Justice Management
Source: Gara LaMarche
Social justice management should be both more humane and tougher, said Gara LaMarche, The Atlantic Philanthropies’ President and CEO, in this speech at the Yale School of Management. I was at first flattered when I heard that students here at the Yale School of Management…
Resource type: Speech