Results List
Not Fair Enough: Making the Case for the Reform of the Social Welfare Appeals System
Source: FLAC
The social welfare appeals system in the Republic of Ireland needs substantial reform in order to serve the growing number of people who seek state support in a fair and timely manner, according to this report by Free Legal Advice Centers (FLAC), an Atlantic grantee.…
Resource type: Research Report
Ageing, Health and Conflict: An Investigation of the Experience and Health Impact of ‘Troubles-Related’ Trauma
Source: Bamford Centre for Mental Health and Wellbeing and the Northern Ireland Centre for Trauma & Transformation Trust
Some older people in Northern Ireland who had traumatic experiences during the violent “Troubles” are still suffering 30 to 40 years later from mental health conditions, according to new research. This study examined the experience and impact of ‘Troubles-related’ trauma among individuals aged 45 and older.…
Resource type: Research Report
Establishing a National Centre of Gerontology
The development of expert social and rural gerontology in the Republic of Ireland is particularly urgent given the changes that are expected over the coming decades. There are major information deficits in relation to how people age. Older people’s experience of ageing in urban and…
Resource type: Grantee Story
Giving Children’s Rights Their Day in Court
The research underlying the 1997 report by the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child identified many issues related to the youth of Northern Ireland. A key finding was low awareness among children, families and caregivers of children’s legal rights and available services.…
Resource type: Grantee Story
Providing Better Legal Defence for the Poor in Texas
More than 15 per cent of Texas’ 22 million people live below the poverty line – most of them in rural areas. Texas is one of 16 states that require county governments to provide a majority of funding for indigent legal defence services. Each county…
Resource type: Grantee Story
In from the Margins: Roma in Ireland
Source: Nasc, the Irish Immigrant Support Centre
The Roma community in Ireland continues to experience structural discrimination in accessing their basic rights to employment, education, social protection, housing and healthcare. This report from Nasc, the Irish Immigrant Support Centre, an Atlantic grantee, identifies the often subtle and complex barriers to integration that Roma…
Resource type: Research Report
Providing Equal Access to Justice for All
The Free Legal Advice Centres (FLAC), acting on behalf of Dr. Lydia Foy, successfully challenged the Irish Government’s refusal to allow transgendered people to alter their birth certificates to accurately reflect their new identities. In a landmark case, the High Court formally declared in February…
Resource type: Grantee Story
Prevention and Early Intervention Programme in Ireland and Northern Ireland
Source: Mathematica Policy Research
Children and youth organisations on the island of Ireland are building a strong body of prevention and early intervention practices, according to an evaluation of Atlantic’s investments by Mathematica Policy Research. Meanwhile, research organisations are acquiring new expertise in evaluating children’s prevention and early intervention…
Resource type: Evaluation
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Childhood Development Initiative’s Doodle Den Literacy Programme
Source: Centre for Effective Education at Queen’s University Belfast
An after-school literacy programme that employs engaging activities and involves parents is an effective approach to bolster the reading and writing skills of disadvantaged children. The Doodle Den programme also made a positive impact on improving concentration and reducing problem behaviours in school, according to…
Resource type: Research Report
Migrants and the Irish Economy
Source: The Integration Centre
Immigration should be viewed as an opportunity to be embraced rather than a cost to be minimised, according to this report from economist Jim Power and the Integration Centre, an Atlantic grantee. The non-Irish population in Ireland is highly skilled with qualification levels exceeding that…
Resource type: Research Report