Results List
Genio Dementia Programme – Year 1
Source: Irish Centre for Social Gerontology
Dementia in the Republic of Ireland is associated with poor diagnosis, stigma and lack of awareness among the general public. Not surprisingly, service provision has been, as a consequence, badly structured, poorly funded and weakly integrated. Genio, an Atlantic grantee, is working to develop and test…
Resource type: Evaluation
Don Bailey – A personal experience of disability
Source: Genio
This video highlights Don Bailey’s personal story of disability as compiled by Genio, an Atlantic grantee that works to ensure that disabled people have the support necessary to live full lives in their communities.
Resource type: Video
Ann Dillon – A personal experience of disability
This video highlights Ann Dillon’s personal story of disability as compiled by Genio, an Atlantic grantee that works to ensure that disabled people have the support necessary to live full lives in their communities.
Resource type: Video
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