Results List
Camps for displaced foreigners 'inhumane'
Original Source By Chelsea Laun Foreign nationals displaced by xenophobic violence two months ago are still enduring inhumane living conditions and basic human rights violations in Western Cape refugee camps, say two reports by the South African Human Rights Commission and the Joint Refugee Leadership…
Author: Cape Times (South Africa)
CoRMSA Report Outlines Way Forward Following Xenophobic Attacks
The recent violence against non-South Africans across the country is not a new phenomenon nor is it likely to end with deaths that shocked South Africa in May. The violence is but the most recent episode in a long history of the exclusion and marginalisation…
Author: CoRMSA
Gay asylum seekers speak of discrimination in South Africa
CAPE TOWN — Gay African asylum seekers struggle to find work and battle homophobic discrimination in South Africa, the continent’s only nation to allow same-sex marriage, a report showed Tuesday. Interviews with 25 Africans by a Cape Town NGO found that 90 percent were jobless…
Author: AFP
Xenophobia downplayed, but government quietly taking it seriously
By Wilson Johwa. THE government may have chosen to deny the existence of xenophobic violence but was better prepared for it than in 2008, says Gerald Kraak, South African head of the US foundation Atlantic Philanthropies. After the 2008 attacks it commissioned a study whose…
Author: Business Day
Onetime Vietnamese Refugee Returns Home to Aid Others
By Ian Wilhelm. In 1975, Le Nhan Phuong left Vietnam, one of about 2,000 child refugees spirited to America by international aid groups. Today, he has returned to his homeland, but now it is he who is helping others. Dr. Phuong is the newly appointed…
Author: The Chronicle of Philanthropy
The Defeat of Immigration Reform in the U.S. – Now What?
Some weeks after the U.S. Senate failed to muster the necessary votes to deal with America’s immigration challenges, a clearer picture is emerging of what happened and what needs to happen next. Atlantic has supported The Coalition for Comprehensive Immigration Reform and a number of…
Author: Gara LaMarche
Philanthropy Heroes Honoured at Inyathelo Awards
Twelve extraordinary individuals have been honoured at the prestigious annual Inyathelo Philanthropy Awards, including a couple of friends who set up an organisation to support refugees and asylum seekers, the founder of the ‘Spread the Luv Movement’ and Jack Ginsberg, a passionate supporter of South…
Author: Inyathelo: The South African Institute for Advancement
Silent philanthropy finally comes out
By Katy Chance. A “ROLLICKING story of how, by stealth, an Irish American obsessed with secrecy built a business empire and revolutionised philanthropy”, is how The Economist describes the 2007 book, The Billionaire Who Wasn’t: how Chuck Feeney secretly made and gave away a fortune,…
Author: Business Day
The new philanthropists: Silicon Valley teens
Original Source by Meredith May, Chronicle Staff Writer A group of Kenyan orphans is tasting milk for the first time. On a train platform in India, teachers are giving lessons to children whose families force them to beg from passengers. And in Thailand, health workers…
Author: San Francisco Chronicle
Effective Asylum Reforms Would Reduce Reliance on Courts
OPINION: There needs to be an effective remedy to asylum review cases so aggrieved applicants will not have to look to the courts for redress, writes CATHERINE McGUINNESS WHEN THE courts resume next month the High Court will return to a backlog of more than…
Author: The Irish Times