Results List
A Moment for Progressive Change in America: How Can We Make the Most of It?
Now that we know that Barack Obama will take the office of President of the United States on January 20, the scenario planning that virtually all non-profits and philanthropies have been doing can kick into high gear. My e-mail inbox, and no doubt yours, is…
Author: Gara LaMarche
Why Movements Matter
Paradigm-shifting elections don’t shift paradigms if there aren’t corresponding social movements for change. By VIVIEN LABATON AND GARA LAMARCHE One thing we now know with certainty, more than two years into Barack Obama’s presidency, is that change is an uphill battle. We’re already defending hard-won gains on…
Author: The American Prospect
Gara LaMarche on Creating Progressive Narratives
The times are difficult and the challenges are great. But a sober analysis of our predicament suggests that there are accomplishments to be celebrated and lessons to be learned from the intense period of history we have just lived through that can inform a comeback…
Author: GRITtv
Bring Odd Bedfellows Together to Promote Social Change, Foundations Urged
By Caroline Preston. Gara LaMarche, president of Atlantic Philanthropies, began a session on social-justice philanthropy here today with a light-hearted nod to what he called the “not uncontroversial” nature of the term social justice. The conservative talk-show host Glenn Beck recently likened social justice to…
Author: The Chronicle of Philanthropy
The Moral Case for Change
By Gara LaMarche. Note: This article is adapted from a speech by Gara LaMarche called “The Moral Life of Philanthropy,” given at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in September 2010. You can read the full speech here In 1965, Bill Moyers, then a young White…
Author: Yes! Magazine
Keeping Obama's Campaign "Army" Mobilized as a Force for Change in Peacetime
Original Source by Gara LaMarche Speaking to tens of thousands of his supporters in Chicago’s Grant Park, President-elect Barack Obama said his smashing victory was not about him but about “you.” In his effort to unify, he meant all of America, but he also was…
Author: The Huffington Post
The French American Charitable Trust launches report, Giving More, Making Change
In this statement, Diane Feeney, Director of the French American Charitable Trust (FACT) and daughter of Atlantic Founding Chairman Chuck Feeney, talks about the FACT’s final grants and her family’s decision to spend down their foundation’s entire endowment to do more to solve today’s problems. In…
Author: French American Charitable Trust
Laying Foundations for Change: The Atlantic Philanthropies in Melbourne
Warren Buffett’s bid to out-do Chuck Feeney’s legendary $15 Casio watch, teaching the billionaire philanthropist how to use the Melbourne tram system and spreading the word on Giving While Living were just a handful of the topics covered during Atlantic Philanthropies recent visit to Australia.…
Author: Generosity
The Quiet Change-Maker
Although Chuck Feeney has kept a low profile, his generosity has served as a catalyst for extraordinary scientific breakthroughs. Chuck Feeney, one of Stanford’s most generous yet least-known supporters, is on track to give away more than $7.5 billion to causes worldwide. PHOTO: Pascal Perich…
Author: Stanford Benefactor
Tough Times Require Change Throughout Philanthropy
Original Source by Gara LaMarche Americans are all too familiar with the ups and downs of the tech, housing, and stock-market bubbles. Now we are learning that there has been a “nonprofit bubble,” too. The nonprofit world grew rapidly as a result of generous giving…
Author: The Chronicle of Philanthropy