Results List
Criminalizing Children at School
The National Rifle Association and President Obama responded to the Newtown, Conn., shootings by recommending that more police officers be placed in the nation’s schools. But a growing body of research suggests that, contrary to popular wisdom, a larger police presence in schools generally does…
Author: The New York Times
Mid-Point Findings of National Evaluation Show Effectiveness of CIS Model
Original Source The first results to emerge from the Communities In Schools National Evaluation, an independent, third-party study, indicate that the CIS Model of integrated student services has a positive impact on school-wide outcomes. Based on an in-depth analysis of 1,766 CIS schools and comparative analysis of…
Author: Communities In Schools
Strengthening Democracy, Increasing Opportunities
In the face of the nation’s worst financial crisis since 1932, foundations are bracing to cope with assets that plunged as a result of Wall Street’s decline. New numbers from New Mexico suggest that foundations should turn to the underutilised strategy of supporting advocacy, organising…
Author: National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy
State Schools Suspend Students at Higher Rates Than Average, Study Finds
California suspended students from school at higher rates than average and showed particularly harsh handling of African Americans with disabilities, according to a study released Tuesday. California ranked 15th of 47 states in their suspension rates of white and black students, according to the study…
Author: Los Angeles Times
Release of Major National Research Showing Experience Corps Produces Big Gains in Student Learning
Read the full report: WASHINGTON, DC — Two years ago, Washington University researchers launched a major national study to answer this question: Do Experience Corps members have an impact on the reading ability of the children they tutor? Very few nonprofits are fortunate enough…
Author: Experience Corps
Texas Schools Study: Most Kids Have Been Suspended
by CLAUDIO SANCHEZ Researchers in Texas have released the most comprehensive analysis of school suspension and expulsion policies ever conducted. It’s considered groundbreaking because of its scope and detailed examination of disciplinary policies that when misused often put students at greater risk of dropping out or…
Author: NPR
Study Examines Civic Engagement Among Teach for America Graduates
Teach for America is an Atlantic grantee. While Teach for America has managed to recruit thousands of recent college graduates to commit to teach in the nation’s most troubled schools for two years, their dedication does not necessarily extend to other areas of society, a…
Author: Philanthropy News Digest
Study focuses on health needs of Travellers
by Sarah Stack A PIONEERING all-island study of the health needs of up to 40,000 Travellers begins today. About 400 members of the community have been trained as researchers for the census-type survey, which is the first of its kind in the world. The results…
Author: Irish Examiner
On the Joint Initiative to Expand Opportunities for Young Men of Color
The Atlantic Philanthropies are pleased to join with our foundation partners, the White House and leading U.S. businesses to improve opportunities for the most disadvantaged among us. Our commitment to this initiative stems from our longstanding focus on promoting equal opportunity and racial equity in…
Author: The Atlantic Philanthropies
Minister for Health and Children Mary Harney T.D. launches TILDA Research Opportunities: Introducing a New Resource to Research
The Irish LongituDinal Study on Ageing (TILDA) was launched in November 2006 to study a representative cohort of at least 8,000 people, aged 50 and over and resident in Ireland, charting their health, social and economic circumstances over a 10-year period. Minister for Health and…
Author: TILDA