Results List
Civil Partnership a Cross-Country Success as Every County Celebrates
By the end of September, 862 Civil Partnerships had already taken place. That’s an average of two civil partnerships every day since they first became publicly available in April 2011. So, where are there most lesbian and gay civil partners across the country? Dublin 8…
Author: Gay and Lesbian Equality Network (GLEN)
Partnership is a civil entity - not a religious one
TOMORROW IS an important day for civil rights in Ireland. TDs will vote on a vital piece of legislation, which will move our society towards a place of greater equality and fairness. The Civil Partnership Bill will allow adults in same-sex relationships, who so choose,…
Author: The Irish Times
Field Dispatches: Winning Civil Partnerships in Ireland
In early July of this year, both houses of the Irish Parliament passed a landmark Civil Partnerships law, guaranteeing new rights to same-sex couples. The bill – “one of the most important pieces of civil rights legislation in 90 years” – was signed into law…
Author: Q & A with the Gay & Lesbian Equality Network
Happy 2nd Birthday Civil Partnership: Next Stop Civil Marriage!
Marking the huge success of civil partnerships and the 2nd anniversary of the Dáil and Seanad passing the civil partnership legislation, GLEN today celebrate civil partnerships with the GLEN ‘wedding bus’ on Kildare Street! We warmly congratulate the hundreds of lesbian and gay couples who…
Author: GLEN
Minister for Justice Commences Civil Partnership Act
The Minister for Justice and Law Reform Dermot Ahern TD today signed the Commencement Orders for the Civil Partnership and Certain Rights of Cohabitants Act 2010. Speaking at the signing of the Commencement Orders, Kieran Rose, chair of GLEN said that “with this signing, the…
Author: GLEN – Gay and Lesbian Equality Network
Two Civil Partnership Ceremonies Conducted on Average Each Day
By Pamela Duncan An average of two civil partnership ceremonies have taken place per day since their introduction last year, with a total of 862 ceremonies registered between April 2011 and September 2012. In that time period, 1,724 lesbian and gay people from 61 countries…
Author: Irish Times
First gay couple to have civil partnership recognised
By CARL O’BRIEN. GLENN CUNNINGHAM and Adriano Vilar have become the first gay couple in the State to have their civil partnership formally recognised by the State. The couple, who work at Argos, formed a civil partnership at a ceremony in Northern Ireland last year.…
Author: Irish Times
Dublin Pride celebrations soured by anger over Civil Partnership Bill
by GENEVIEVE CARBERY THERE WAS dissatisfaction with the Civil Partnership Bill among a larger than expected crowd which marched in the Dublin Pride Parade at the weekend. The city centre was filled with colour, costumes, balloons, music, whistles and chants on Saturday as thousands of…
Author: Irish Times
Same-sex partnership law 'one of biggest changes in 90 years'
By Fionnan Sheahan. Same-sex couples will be able to avail of legally-binding civil partnerships for the first time from next year. The Dáil last night completed its work on the Civil Partnership Bill, which is expected to be signed into law in the autumn. The…
Author: Irish Independent
Successful Grants: Civil Partnership for Same-Sex Couples
Michael Murphy (left) and Terry O’Sullivan celebrate their civil partnership. Photo: Irish Independent Until 1994, Irish law still criminalized homosexual conduct. When The Atlantic Philanthropies entered the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) field in 2004, there were no other significant private funders in the area and only one…
Author: Alliance Magazine