Results List
Atlantic Philanthropies Names Human-Rights Advocate as CEO
The Atlantic Philanthropies named Gara LaMarche, a veteran human-rights advocate, its new chief executive officer. He faces one of the more unusual challenges in philanthropy: The foundation plans to spend its entire $4 billion endowment within 10 years and go out of business. Mr. LaMarche,…
Author: Wall Street Journal
Working Together to Make a Difference
Source: iStock/lcswart By William Foster, The Bridgespan Group South Africa has one of the most progressive constitutions in the world. But 20 years after its adoption, only 48 percent of its population is satisfied with the way South African democracy works. Atlantic Philanthropies, the Open…
Author: Forbes
On the Joint Initiative to Expand Opportunities for Young Men of Color
The Atlantic Philanthropies are pleased to join with our foundation partners, the White House and leading U.S. businesses to improve opportunities for the most disadvantaged among us. Our commitment to this initiative stems from our longstanding focus on promoting equal opportunity and racial equity in…
Author: The Atlantic Philanthropies
What Is the Most Daring, Audacious, and Successful Grant of the Past 100 Years?
A symposium of philanthropic leaders To mark the 100th anniversary of the Carnegie Corporation, we asked several philanthropic leaders about the most audacious grants of the past century—and what grants made today will be talked about 100 years hence. —THE EDITORS * * * Ted Turner’s shock…
Author: Philanthropy Magazine
Teaching Kids Whole-Life Skills
At the Arts and Technology Academy in Northeast, sex education is taking a distinctly different tack. Moving far beyond anatomy, educators at the charter school are using what they call an “above the waist” approach to help prevent teen pregnancy. Teacher Willa Reinhard walks around…
Author: Washington Post
From Social Movement to Social Change: Philanthropy and School Discipline Reform
By David Callahan What role does philanthropy play in social movements? It’s an interesting question, and there’s a long history of funder involvement in different movements—from civil rights in the 1960s to LGBT rights in the past decade. Just last week, I wrote about the role of…
Author: Inside Philanthropy
20 Years On, South Africa's Remarkable Constitution Remains Unfulfilled
By Christopher Oechsli and Darren Walker Commentary: Realizing Mandela’s vision of a democratic future is a collective global responsibility. A statue of Nelson Mandela, South Africa’s first democratic president and Nobel Laureate is pictured outside the parliament. (RODGER BOSCH/AFP/Getty Images) Over a year after the…
Author: GlobalPost
New Guidelines Target U.S. Foundation Practices
WASHINGTON, March 2 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Grantmakers are not delivering as much social benefit as they could, according to the new Criteria for Philanthropy at Its Best: Benchmarks to Assess and Enhance Grantmaker Impact by the National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy. The criteria, to be released…
Author: National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy
Philanthropy can be made to measure
By Gara LaMarche The philanthropic world, poked and prodded by a wave of new donors fresh from success in the business world, is grappling with the issue of evaluation. How do we know that grants or, as they are now often called, reflecting the influence…
Author: Financial Times
Building More Than Buildings in Northern Ireland
Shay McAleer waiting for class to start at the School of Speech and Drama, a program that takes place at the Millenium Forum, Derry/Londonderry. In a region still healing from political conflict, shared spaces for culture and education promote reconciliation and opportunity. The sectarian violence…
Author: The Atlantic Philanthropies