Results List
The Nurture Programme: Making Every Contact Count
The Nurture Programme – Infant Health and Wellbeing is designed to improve the information and professional supports that the Health Service Executive (HSE) provides to parents during pregnancy and the first three years of their baby’s life. It is a partnership between the HSE, the Atlantic…
Author: The Katharine Howard Foundation
III Welcomes Beverley Skeggs as Academic Director of the Atlantic Fellows Programme
We are thrilled to announce that Beverley Skeggs is to join the LSE as Academic Director of the III’s Atlantic Fellows programme from 1 September. She will be working closely with the III’s co-directors John Hills and Mike Savage, as well as the LSE’s wider…
Author: International Inequalities Institute at LSE
After Spring Valley: Making Schools Safe and Supportive
The video shows a South Carolina school officer grabbing a high school student from her chair, knocking her to the floor and dragging her across the classroom. As a native of South Carolina, I watched with complete horror and sadness the viral video of a…
Author: Tasha Tucker, Associate Programme Executive, Racial Equity at The Atlantic Philanthropies.
A Global Response to Confront Rising Inequalities
On 1 June, LSE launched the Atlantic Fellows programme at the International Inequalities Institute. Co-Director Professor Mike Savage, the initial Academic Director of the Atlantic Fellows programme, discusses why the 20-year initiative — made possible by The Atlantic Philanthropies — is such a landmark moment.…
Author: LSE Impact
Limerick's quiet revolution
by SEÁN FLYNN PROFILE: PROFESSOR DON BARRY, PRESIDENT, UNIVERSITY OF LIMERICK (UL): The University of Limerick has been physically transformed but it still needs to move up the world rankings of leading universities – that’s the next big challenge for its self-effacing president, Don Barry FOR…
Author: The Irish Times
New Leadership Needed to Address White Nationalism in U.S., Stalled Progress in South Africa
In recent articles, the Executive Director and South African Programme Director of the Atlantic Fellows for Racial Equity called for a renewal in civil rights leadership in the U.S. and in South Africa. America’s Rising White Nationalism Calls for a New Type of Civil Rights…
The Next Generation of Leaders Advocating for Brain Health
By Dana Smith A monologist, a musician, an event producer, and an animal behaviourist are working to change how society thinks about aging and dementia. These individuals are part of the first cohort of Atlantic Fellows at the Global Brain Health Institute and are using…
Author: The Lancet
Pupils benefit from teachers’ management training
By Niall Murray, Education Correspondent PUPILS whose teachers take classroom management training are better behaved and have a better chance in the education system, research suggests. The study examined the behaviour of 217 pupils in 22 infant classes at 11 Limerick schools, some of whose…
Author: Irish Examiner
A “Life Course” Approach Breaks Down Silos to Strengthen Social Justice
I am just concluding almost a month working from Atlantic’s offices in Ireland. Among the many terrific experiences I’ve had was a visit to the National University of Ireland, Galway (NUIG), where last week my colleagues and I met with the faculty of the Life…
Author: Gara LaMarche
"We're not telling people what to do. We just want to show what's possible."
President and CEO of The Atlantic Philanthropies, Christopher G. Oechsli, takes a deep dive into lessons learned while executing the $8 billion philanthropic vision of entrepreneur Chuck Feeney, aka the ‘James Bond of Philanthropy’. By Nicole Richards The Atlantic Philanthropies believes in making big bets…
Author: Philanthropy Australia