Results List
Obamacare’s Special Enrollment Period Could Help Youth Signups
Young adults, like these keg standers, could be more likely to qualify for Obamacare’s special enrollment periods. (Photo: By Jason Millman Obamacare open enrollment may finally be over, but the opportunities to sign up for coverage aren’t. Some people may qualify for special enrollment…
Author: The Washington Post
What's at Stake -- No, Who's at Stake in the Great Supreme Court Case?
By Jennifer Ng’andu, Deputy Director, Health Policy, National Council of La Raza It’s probably the hottest seat in Washington, D.C. — and you can’t buy tickets to it. Next week, the U.S. Supreme Court will begin hearing oral arguments on the constitutionality of the Affordable…
Author: National Council of La Raza
Keeping kids insured: CHIP shows how bipartisanship can solve problems
Author Bruce Lesley is President of First Focus, an Atlantic grantee through the Children & Youth programme in the United States. by Bruce Lesley Three years ago, a bill to extend and improve the Children’s Health Insurance Program became law. On Feb. 4, 2009, we…
Author: Pittsburgh Post Gazette
Obama risks losing liberals with talk of cutting budget
By Zachary A. Goldfarb and Peter Wallsten President Obama faces a growing rebellion on the left as he courts independent voters and Republicans with his vision for reducing the nation’s debt by cutting government spending and restraining the costs of federal health insurance programs. Key…
Author: The Washington Post
The New Year Brings a New Home for Elev8
This is to announce that the Elev8 Initiative is moving to a new home effective January 1, 2011. We are thrilled to announce that Youth Development Incorporated (YDI) has made a commitment to incorporate Elev8’s full service community school approach, and the current Elev8 staff,…
Author: Elev8 New Mexico
Obama To Pick Berwick For Chief Of Medicare
By Julie Rovner. President Obama will nominate health quality guru Dr. Donald Berwick, the head of the Boston-based Institute for Healthcare Improvement, to run Medicare and Medicaid, administration sources confirm. It’s been a long time coming. The powerful agency has been without a permanent administrator…
Author: NPR
Improving Access to Health Care for Older Adults
The National Senior Citizens Law Center is launching a new campaign to use strategic litigation and administrative policy advocacy to protect low income older adults’ access to affordable health care. The campaign is supported by The Atlantic Philanthropies. Now is a time when legal advocacy…
Author: National Senior Citizens Law Center
Strengthening Democracy, Increasing Opportunities
In the face of the nation’s worst financial crisis since 1932, foundations are bracing to cope with assets that plunged as a result of Wall Street’s decline. New numbers from New Mexico suggest that foundations should turn to the underutilised strategy of supporting advocacy, organising…
Author: National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy
I-155 seeks to expand kids' health insurance
by AMY BETH HANSON Montana voters are being asked to support a measure to fund health insurance for up to an additional 30,000 children. Initiative 155, the Healthy Montana Kids plan, seeks to set aside an estimated $22 million in state funding each year to…
Author: The Associated Press State & Local Wire
Violations Reported at 94% of Nursing Homes
by ROBERT PEAR WASHINGTON – More than 90 percent of nursing homes were cited for violations of federal health and safety standards last year, and for-profit homes were more likely to have problems than other types of nursing homes, federal investigators say in a report…
Author: The New York Times