Results List
Ending Well: Maximizing Lasting Impact
When we finally close our doors, The Atlantic Philanthropies will become the largest foundation ever to deliberately conclude grantmaking within the lifetime of its donor. We’re conscious of making every investment count – in Chuck Feeney’s words: to make the “highest and best use” of…
Author: Christopher G. Oechsli, President and CEO, The Atlantic Philanthropies
Elev8 Youth Speak for Themselves on Capitol Hill
On April 22, students from 20 Elev8 middle schools across the country filed into legislative office buildings surrounding the nation’s capitol, nervous but prepared to speak out on issues they had selected themselves, including school safety and funding for afterschool programs. The visit to Capitol…
Author: Elev8
Older, Wiser, and Now Valued
Original Source After retiring from a career with the Steinberg’s grocery chain, Gérard Bréhin took a long break from the workforce. But a few years ago, he started scouting around for opportunities. He was looking for a new challenge and contact with people, but not…
Author: The Gazette (Montreal)
An elusive billionaire gives away his good fortune
Chuck Feeney, who nudges others to give while living, plans to donate $8 billion by 2016. Just don’t put his name on anything. By Margot Roosevelt One by one, speakers rose to toast the elderly gent with baggy pants and a shy, gaptoothed smile. “Of…
Author: Los Angeles Times
Atlantic Philanthropies is on its way to spending itself out of existence
By Arthur Beesley John Healy seems more like a university professor than a man who has been in command of a Bermuda-based financial colossus with assets in excess of $4 billion (€3.12 billion). What is more, he is charged with giving all that money away…
Author: The Irish Times