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Smarter School Discipline Bill (SB 46) Passes Colorado Senate
MEDIA RELEASE Will bring common sense back to discipline while ensuring safe schools DENVER – The Colorado Senate passed Senate Bill 46 – the smarter school discipline bill – with an overwhelming bipartisan 32-3 vote this morning. “Students need to be in school learning, not…
Author: Padres y Jóvenes Unidos
Field Dispatches: Elev8 youth-led immigration forum
On Saturday, August 7th at Orozco Academy in Chicago, more than 400 youth, parents, and community members came together to support comprehensive immigration reform. Let by teams of youth from each of the five Elev8-Chicago sites (Ames/Logan Square Neighborhood Association, Marquette/SouthWest Organizing Project, Orozco/The Resurrection…
Author: The Federation for Community Schools
Bring Odd Bedfellows Together to Promote Social Change, Foundations Urged
By Caroline Preston. Gara LaMarche, president of Atlantic Philanthropies, began a session on social-justice philanthropy here today with a light-hearted nod to what he called the “not uncontroversial” nature of the term social justice. The conservative talk-show host Glenn Beck recently likened social justice to…
Author: The Chronicle of Philanthropy
How Do We Keep Obama's Youth Mobilized?
Original Source Barack Obama’s campaign politicized and organized more youth than any campaign has in recent history. The Prospect asked nine organizers, writers, and thinkers at the forefront of progressivism and youth activism to suggest one way of incorporating these youth into the progressive movement.…
Author: The American Prospect
Funder Advocacy Collaboratives: Framing Thoughts
By Jen Bokoff and Cynthia Gibson GrantCraft Editor’s Note: This article is the first in a resource series about funder advocacy collaboratives. The series draws on real-world funder experiences to share strategies about anticipating and overcoming prevalent obstacles to success. See Acknowledgements and Methodology and…
Author: GrantCraft
Could Foundations Have Mounted a Better Defense of the ACA?
By Michael Booth It came sometime after the “You lie!” outburst and the false claims of “death panels,” but before two potentially fatal US Supreme Court decisions and sixty-seven consecutive votes to repeal in the US House of Representatives. In hindsight, President Obama’s signing of…
Author: Health Affairs Blog
Getting the Communication Plan Right From Day One
Stacey Easterling is a Programme Executive for Ageing at The Atlantic Philanthropies. In 2007, The Atlantic Philanthropies began funding a national pilot in which success depended on engaging, and helping shift society’s perceptions of, people over age 60. This pilot needed to take hold in a…
Author: Stacey Easterling, Programme Executive
Community Organizing Never Looked So Good
Original Source The Center for Community Change is an Atlantic grantee. By SARA RIMER CAMBRIDGE, Mass. QUINN RALLINS, 23, graduated magna cum laude last year from Morehouse College with a dual major in international studies and Spanish. This spring, Mr. Rallins is finishing his master’s degree in…
Author: The New York Times
A push to extend years in elementary school
by Mitchell Landsberg Armando Sosa’s elementary school is just a quick scramble up a steep dirt path and over a crosswalk from his home in Ramona Gardens, an Eastside housing project known for its crime and violence. If he’s late, he can hear the school…
Author: Los Angeles Times
Report from the Heartland: Elections as Opportunities for Unheard Voices
I just got back from Des Moines, Iowa, where I watched and listened as low-income people, all too often ignored in elections, took the opportunity to raise issues of concern to them with the leading Democratic Presidential candidates (the Republicans were invited, too, but none…
Author: Gara LaMarche