Results List
Schools list strategies to cut down on dropouts
Original Source By JOSEPH GIDJUNIS Woodrow Wilson High School’s incoming class of seniors is expected to have at least 40 extra names to call come graduation next June. While the Class of 2008 had 210 graduates, the Class of 2009, could have as many as…
Author: The Courier-Post (New Jersey)
Dropouts costing Texas billions
Original Source Communities In Schools is an Atlantic grantee. By Kate AlexanderAMERICAN-STATESMAN STAFF No matter how high-school dropouts are counted, Texas has a lot of them, and together they pack quite an economic punch to the gut. The students in the class of 2012 who…
Author: Austin American-Statesman
Volunteering to get tomorrow's dropouts on track
Original Source By Robert Balfanz and Michael Brown MILLIONS OF American students are back in high school, and before the year is done more than 1.1 million will drop out. In many of the nation’s cities and low-wealth rural districts, 40 to 60 percent of…
Author: The Boston Globe
Drummond: Finding solutions to help high school dropouts
By Tammerlin Drummond In Oakland and in other cities around the country, students have been dropping out of high school in droves. The numbers for African-Americans are especially dire: Those leaving school versus those graduating have been virtually neck and neck. That was before the…
Author: Oakland Tribune
On Education: A Plan to Cut the High School Dropout Rate
by WINNIE HU HIGH school graduation rates are universally seen as a barometer of success, or failure, in education. Parents, college admissions officers, even savvy real estate agents rely on that particular statistic to tell them if a school is any good. But just as…
Author: The New York Times
Looking at the Dropout Issue
Original Source By Jay Mathews Washington Post Staff Writer Some of the most troubling questions about schools, such as what causes dropouts, have few clear answers because there is so little research. And the reason that data is lacking, at least in part, is that…
Author: The Washington Post
Invest in families to keep kids in school
Original Source By Chris Fitzsimon Speaker Joe Hackney presided at a news conference with fellow House Democrats Tuesday to announce that the lawmakers were renewing their commitment made two years ago to improve the state’s high school graduation rate, though Hackney acknowledged that it’s not…
Author: The Carrboro Citizen
Dropout-Prevention Program Sees to The Basics of Life
Original Source By Jay Mathews Washington Post Staff Writer Word was getting around about the new problem solver on campus. So the mother tracked her down one recent day in a makeshift office on the second floor of a Southeast Washington public school. “I don’t…
Author: The Washington Post
'Expectations Gap' May Be Contributing Factor in Dropout Crisis, Report Finds
Original Source America’s Promise Alliance is an Atlantic grantee. In contrast to most students who drop out, many educators do not believe that students at risk of dropping out would work harder if more were demanded of them, revealing an “expectations gap” that…
Author: Philanthropy News Digest
Summit to explore school dropout triggers
by JAMES HAUG Why children quit school is a complex issue rooted in poverty and parental apathy, said experts who will speak at a dropout prevention conference today. According to Editorial Projects in Education, Nevada’s graduation rate of 45 percent is the lowest in the…
Author: Las Vegas Review-Journal