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What We Learned From Health Care
By Gara LaMarche. In March, I was honored to watch President Obama’s bill signing for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act with a group of labor leaders and reform activists. Around me were advocates who had worked for months — in some cases decades…
Author: The Huffington Post
The Strengthening of Atlantic’s Social Justice Mission: What It Means for Our Funding
I’ve just returned from Denver, Colorado, where the annual conference of the Council on Foundations ended Tuesday. A significant theme of the conference this year, which Atlantic helped to organise, was what foundations can do to advance social justice. I was honoured to moderate a…
Author: Gara LaMarche
A Moment for Progressive Change in America: How Can We Make the Most of It?
Now that we know that Barack Obama will take the office of President of the United States on January 20, the scenario planning that virtually all non-profits and philanthropies have been doing can kick into high gear. My e-mail inbox, and no doubt yours, is…
Author: Gara LaMarche
The Defeat of Immigration Reform in the U.S. – Now What?
Some weeks after the U.S. Senate failed to muster the necessary votes to deal with America’s immigration challenges, a clearer picture is emerging of what happened and what needs to happen next. Atlantic has supported The Coalition for Comprehensive Immigration Reform and a number of…
Author: Gara LaMarche