Results List
Oct. 13th Event: Bill Moyers Interviews Gara LaMarche and Deepak Bhargava: Working Towards Progressive Reform and Social Justice
Join your colleagues for an informal interview with Gara LaMarche, CEO of The Atlantic Philanthropies, and Deepak Bhargava, Executive Director of the Center for Community Change, moderated by the award winning journalist and public commentator Bill Moyers. Discussion will focus on pressing issues that the…
Author: Philanthropy New York
The Road Ahead for Progressives: Back to Basics
by Gara LaMarche and Deepak Bhargava Twenty-one months after Barack Obama was inaugurated on a wave of hope for change in America’s politics and policies, at least two important and seemingly contradictory things can be said. First, there has been a series of significant progressive reforms: an economic…
Author: The Nation
Bring Odd Bedfellows Together to Promote Social Change, Foundations Urged
By Caroline Preston. Gara LaMarche, president of Atlantic Philanthropies, began a session on social-justice philanthropy here today with a light-hearted nod to what he called the “not uncontroversial” nature of the term social justice. The conservative talk-show host Glenn Beck recently likened social justice to…
Author: The Chronicle of Philanthropy
Center for Community Change Wins Leadership Award
Dear Friends and Colleagues: As the chair of the Board of Directors of the Center for Community Change, I’m very proud of the investment the organization is making in leadership development in the nonprofit sector. Cultivating potential leaders who are passionate about social justice is…
Author: Center for Community Change
Atlantic Fellows for Racial Equity FAQ
If you have questions about the Atlantic Fellows for Racial Equity program, hopefully they’ve been answered below. Why did Atlantic and its partners launch the Atlantic Fellows for Racial Equity? What is anti-black racism? Why does it matter? What is the Atlantic Fellows for Racial…
Author: The Atlantic Philanthropies
The Atlantic Philanthropies Establishes New Fellowship Program at Columbia University to Dismantle Anti-Black Racism in the U.S. and South Africa
Program will empower and connect dynamic individuals committed to working together across disciplines and borders to advance fairer, healthier, more inclusive societies. “At a time when issues of race and identity are at the forefront of intense debates in South Africa, the U.S. and around…
Author: The Atlantic Philanthropies
Atlantic Fellows for Racial Equity: Leading the Way to a More Just Future
Photo: Getty Images Dismantling anti-black racism to advance fairer, healthier and more inclusive societies for all The Atlantic Fellows for Racial Equity is one of an interconnected set of fellowship programs – the Atlantic Fellows – launched by The Atlantic Philanthropies as part of the…
Author: The Atlantic Philanthropies
Obama risks losing liberals with talk of cutting budget
By Zachary A. Goldfarb and Peter Wallsten President Obama faces a growing rebellion on the left as he courts independent voters and Republicans with his vision for reducing the nation’s debt by cutting government spending and restraining the costs of federal health insurance programs. Key…
Author: The Washington Post
Immigrant Activists Regroup
by Daniel Altschuler Over the past decade, the immigrants’ rights movement has become one of this country’s strongest grassroots forces. Nationwide, grassroots groups and legislative coalitions have mobilized millions of people to protest punitive enforcement laws, promote legalization for undocumented people and demand access to…
Author: The Nation
Gara LaMarche on Creating Progressive Narratives
The times are difficult and the challenges are great. But a sober analysis of our predicament suggests that there are accomplishments to be celebrated and lessons to be learned from the intense period of history we have just lived through that can inform a comeback…
Author: GRITtv