Results List
Supporting Initiatives By and For Women Is Critical To Achieving Social Justice
In their new book, “Half the Sky,” Pulitzer Prize winners Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl Wu Dunn assert that there can be no social or economic justice, or human rights progress around the world, that does not have women and girls at its core. It’s a…
Author: Gara LaMarche
Net assets of Chuck Feeney charity decline by $1.2bn
By Barry O’Halloran. THE VALUE of the assets held by Irish-American Chuck Feeney’s charity fell by $1.2 billion (€814 million) between 2007 and 2008, according to the organisation’s own figures. Combined financial statements for 2007 and 2008 for Atlantic Philanthropies show that the value of…
Author: Irish Times
Warring Sides on Health Care Carry Their Fight to TV and Radio Ads
Original Source Health Care for America Now is an Atlantic grantee. By ROBERT PEAR WASHINGTON — The battle over the future of health care has taken to the airwaves, with interest groups spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on television and radio advertisements supporting or…
Author: The New York Times
Why Mature Activism May Save the Planet
Original Source AARP and Civic Ventures are Atlantic grantees. By: Rob Gurwitt It was not a promising start. Getting ready to head out for the Utah wilderness, Lee Verner had packed her clothes in a black bag, laid it down on a black chair and…
Author: AARP Bulletin Today
The Card Before You Leave
Local campaigning leads to improved service for those at risk The Card Before You Leave scheme was initially recommended in 2005 as part of an independent review into the death of a young man called Danny McCartan. In April 2006, frustrated by a lack of…
'Uncertainty is the enemy of philanthropy'
Original Source By Barbara Hagenbaugh, USA TODAY WASHINGTON – It’s a challenging year for non-profits as a sluggish economy and rising prices make it more difficult for groups to raise money from cash-strapped families and businesses. Heading into the busiest fundraising time of year, non-profits’…
Author: USA Today
Spying uncovered: Documents show state police monitored peace and anti-death penalty groups
Original Source By Nick Madigan, Sun Reporter Undercover Maryland State Police officers repeatedly spied on peace activists and anti-death penalty groups in recent years and entered the names of some in a law-enforcement database of people thought to be terrorists or drug traffickers, newly released…
Author: Baltimore Sun
One Life to Give
Conor O’Cleary interviews Chuck Feeney about his philosophy of giving. Irish America 12-01-2003 Chuck Feeney has just put into practice something he had been considering for many years. He has decided that all the vast wealth he accumulated in his lifetime should be given away…
Author: Irish America
Law Opens Up 'Encore' Careers
Original Source By Kelly Greene The deep recession is forcing millions of Americans in their 50s and 60s to rethink plans for retirement. That shift — coupled with new legislation out of Washington — could help spur a commitment to national service not seen since…
Author: The Wall Street Journal
Giving while living keeps us at forefront of lifesaving research
By Peter Beattle AMERICANS donated a staggering $290.89 billion to charities last year, notwithstanding the lingering effects of the global financial crisis. This was after a huge decline during 2008 and 2009, when donations dropped to levels not seen since the 1970s. Australia’s most…
Author: The Australian