Results List
Top Cops and Prosecutors Form Alliance to Battle Crime and Prison Crowding
By Simone Weichselbaum Leaders of the nation’s major police departments announced on Wednesday that they have joined forces with current and former federal, state and local prosecutors in an alliance to reduce crime as well as the country’s swollen prison population. The group, which calls…
Author: The Marshall Project
The 2009 Slate 60 - The largest American charitable contributions of the year.
By Patty Stonesifer. “It’s not what you were given. It’s what you do with it that matters.” Although I was only 8 years old, I vividly remember my mother’s reprimand. I thought my report card—with an unbroken string of E’s for excellent—was cause for great…
Author: Slate
Philanthropy Trends: Giving While Living
Irish billionaire Chuck Feeney is one of a growing number of philanthropists who want to make a difference now not tomorrow and a leading advocate for ‘giving while living’. The trend for giving in one’s lifetime and over a shorter time, rather than in perpetuity,…
Author: Philanthropy UK
Irish billionaire inspires Warren Buffet, Bill Gates to give it all away
By Cathy Hayes Irish American billionaire Chuck Feeney has been praised by Warren Buffett among the world’s richest men as the person who has inspired a ‘giving while living’ pledge by scores of billionaires who have pledged to give away the majority of their fortunes…
Author: Irish Central
The $600 billion challenge
Bill Gates, Melinda Gates, and Warren Buffett are asking the nation’s billionaires to pledge to give at least half their net worth to charity, in their lifetimes or at death. If their campaign succeeds, it could change the face of philanthropy. By Carol J. Loomis. Just…
Author: Fortune
The Great Give Away
When you have as much money as Bill Gates, you have to work damn hard to get rid of it. At least if you want to disposeof it wisely. So in May the Microsoft founder, whose fortune is estimated at $53 billion (¤40 billion), was…
Author: Sunday Times
Giving Strategically, When the Government Can’t Help
THIS is a season of fiscal austerity for governments, and state and local officials across the country are threatening to cut programs that aim to help the less fortunate. With tax revenue down and budgets constrained, they say they have little choice. By Paul Sullivan.…
Author: The New York Times
Human Rights for Lesbians and Gays in the New South Africa: Still Much Work to Do
Zoliswa Nkonyana, Zizakele Sigasa, and Salome Masooa helped me to understand the critical importance of Atlantic’s work to support the rights of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgendered and intersex people in South Africa. Sadly, these young women were not among the many South Africans I…
Author: Gara LaMarche
Bring Meaning to My Money
By Mitch Anthony As successful baby boomers liquidate businesses or transition to “doing something more meaningful with their lives,” there is growing interest in capitalizing, in a philanthropic sense. This sentiment is growing and there are not enough wealth managers in the marketplace that can provide…
Author: Capital Magazine
Older people urged to demand better healthcare
OLDER people are being urged to demand better healthcare from politicians knocking on their doors in the run-up to the general election. An alliance of organisations campaigning for elderly rights has drawn up five priorities for candidates to be pressed on ahead of the polls.…
Author: Irish Examiner