Results List
Risk with Vision: Placing Informed 'Big Bets'
By Gillian Mitchell, Gabrielle Ritchie and Melanie Judge Philanthropy and risk are not natural bedfellows. For most of us philanthropy invokes an impression of measured resolution, gravity and thoughtfulness. Philanthropy makes considered interventions into areas of society that are not delivering on rights or opportunity…
Author: Resourcing Philanthropy
Buildings, Bridges and Big Bets
Chuck Feeney, with Cornell University President Frank Rhodes and Ed Walsh, Limerick president, at Plassey House in 1988. From Elizabeth, N.J., where our founder, Chuck Feeney was born and raised, you can follow the Elizabeth River into New York Bay, all the way across the…
Author: Christopher G. Oechsli, President and CEO, The Atlantic Philanthropies
Game Changer: The Atlantic Philanthropies
By Nicole Richards Christopher G. Oechsli, President and CEO of US billionaire Chuck Feeney’s The Atlantic Philanthropies on why philanthropy is a force multiplier, the difference between ‘venture’ and ‘adventure’ philanthropy, and lessons learned from a limited life foundation. “It’s a real honour to talk…
Author: Generosity
Betting Big on New Leaders in Health Equity
This is an historic year for The Atlantic Philanthropies. In 2016, we have reached our 35th year of grantmaking, and also our last. In recent updates, I’ve discussed our culminating grants that build on our three and a half decades of work to address…
Author: Christopher G. Oechsli, President and CEO, The Atlantic Philanthropies
Nonprofit's Big Bet on Linked Learning
Naomi Post is head of community-based programmes at Atlantic. By Naomi Post, guest commentary The Atlantic Philanthropies is committed to spending its considerable endowment by 2020 in a final push to find workable answers to some seemingly intractable social problems. That means we are making…
Author: San Jose Mercury News
Giving while living a big bet?
Interview with John R Healy, former CEO of The Atlantic Philanthropies Three years ago, in early 2002, a decision was made that The Atlantic Philanthropies would spend down their then almost $4 billion endowment over a period of 12-15 years. If a foundation is going…
Author: Alliance Magazine
A Big Bet on Advocacy Helps to Make History on Health Care
“Health care reform is no longer an unmet promise. It is the law of the land.” I can’t tell you what a thrill it was to hear President Obama speak those words, a few hours ago, after signing the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.…
Author: Gara LaMarche
How Atlantic Philanthropies Plans To Keep Making Change After It Shuts Down
The foundation will have given away more than $8 billion when it shutters in 2020. Now as it spends its last millions, Atlantic is innovating better ways to leave a lasting impact. [Illustration: Sylverarts/iStock]By Ben Paynter When it was founded in 1982, the Atlantic Philanthropies,…
Author: Fast Co.Exist
Creating Change at the Intersection of Philanthropy and Government
How can we achieve more impact through partnerships between philanthropy and government? What does philanthropy need to do differently to better work with government groups to address the 21st century’s most pressing problems? And how can better communication play a part in achieving these goals?…
Author: The Atlantic Philathropies
Working Together to Make a Difference
Source: iStock/lcswart By William Foster, The Bridgespan Group South Africa has one of the most progressive constitutions in the world. But 20 years after its adoption, only 48 percent of its population is satisfied with the way South African democracy works. Atlantic Philanthropies, the Open…
Author: Forbes