Results List
Obama Appoints White House Speechwriting and Intergovernmental Affairs Heads
Original Source By Michael A. Fletcher President-elect Barack Obama continued rounding out his White House staff today, naming Jonathan Favreau director of speechwriting and Cecilia Munoz director of intergovernmental affairs. Favreau has worked for Obama since 2005, when he joined the president-elect’s Senate office as…
Author: The Washington Post
Charity Lauded by Obama Lays Off 10% of Its Staff
Original Source Harlem Children’s Zone, the New York charity that President-elect Barack Obama has held up as a model for fighting poverty, laid off 10 percent of its staff this month because of the deepening economic crisis. “We thought this was a fiscally prudent move…
Author: The Chronicle of Philanthropy
A Moment for Progressive Change in America: How Can We Make the Most of It?
Now that we know that Barack Obama will take the office of President of the United States on January 20, the scenario planning that virtually all non-profits and philanthropies have been doing can kick into high gear. My e-mail inbox, and no doubt yours, is…
Author: Gara LaMarche
Obama praises nonprofit, including N.H. group
Harlem Children’s Zone and Teach for America are Atlantic grantees, and Bonnie CLAC is an Atlantic grantee via the Purpose Prize. by Foon Rhee President Obama this afternoon praised a New Hampshire nonprofit that helps poor people buy fuel-efficient reliable cars in a White House event designed to highlight innovative programs…
Author: The Boston Globe
Immigration Overhaul Advocates Question Troops
By Sheryl Gay Stolberg. WASHINGTON — In deciding to deploy up to 1,200 National Guard troops to bolster security at the Mexican border, President Obama has stepped into one of the thorniest issues facing American presidents — illegal immigration — and has confounded allies who…
Author: The New York Times
Community Organizing Never Looked So Good
Original Source The Center for Community Change is an Atlantic grantee. By SARA RIMER CAMBRIDGE, Mass. QUINN RALLINS, 23, graduated magna cum laude last year from Morehouse College with a dual major in international studies and Spanish. This spring, Mr. Rallins is finishing his master’s degree in…
Author: The New York Times
With Obama's election, nonprofits aim for a seat at the table
by Mark Hrywna Steve Gunderson has a prediction: Someone from the foundation world will be in Barack Obama’s administration. “There are an awful of my colleagues who have been in government before who are interested in returning,” said Gunderson, president and CEO of the Council…
Author: The NonProfit Times
What 'Yes, We Can' Should Mean for Our Schools
Original Source By Mike Feinberg and Dave Levin In 1994, we founded KIPP, the Knowledge Is Power Program, by starting one middle school in the South Bronx and one in Houston. Today, KIPP is a growing network of 66 public charter schools serving 17,000 children…
Author: Washington Post (Op-Ed)
Democratic groups ready their agendas
Labor, health and other interests want a say. Party members debate whether to take a centrist course. by Janet Hook The nation’s capital woke up Wednesday to a political landscape upended by voters clamoring for change, delivering to Democrats more power than they have wielded…
Author: Los Angeles Times
Financial Overhaul Wins Final Approval in House
By David Herszenhorn. WASHINGTON — The House on Wednesday adopted legislation to revamp the nation’s financial regulatory system, voting mostly along party lines as partisan acrimony impeded cooperation even on the shared goals of averting future economic crises. The vote in the House was 237…
Author: The New York Times