Results List
Capital Funding for Building Purchase
Grantee: Center for Community Change Action
Grant amount: $9,000,000
‘Vision into Action’ campaign
Grantee: Mental Health Reform
Theme: Disability
Grant amount: $336,787
Promoting and Protecting Progressive Social Change
Grantee: Families USA Foundation, Inc.
Theme: Health System Reform
Grant amount: $180,000
Cross-Programme Civic Engagement Grant
Grantee: National People's Action
Grant amount: $1,000,000
Unity ’09: Moving a Progressive Policy Agenda in America
Grantee: Sixteen Thirty Fund
Grant amount: $1,000,000
Pilot Project: Engaging Latino Voters
Grantee: Center for Community Change Action
Theme: Immigration & Migration
Grant amount: $500,000
Supporting a FY2010 Federal Budget Resolution Campaign
Grantee: Americans United for Change
Grant amount: $200,000
Economic Recovery Campaign
Grantee: Americans United for Change
Grant amount: $400,000
Redesigning Institutional Research at Foothill-DeAnza Community College District
Grantee: Teachers College at Columbia University
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $1,199,000
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