Results List
Race and Poverty Project
Grantee: Equal Justice Initiative of Alabama, Inc.
Grant amount: $1,250,000
Catalytic Capital to Support Quality Health Care and Good Health Care Jobs in Low-Income Communities
Grantee: Vital Healthcare Capital
Theme: Health System Reform
Grant amount: $12,500,000
Communities for Just Schools Fund (formerly known as the Just and Fair Schools Fund)
Grantee: New Venture Fund
Theme: School Discipline Reform
Grant amount: $3,000,000
Coalition for Community Schools’ 2016 National Convention
Grantee: Youth Development Incorporated
Grant amount: $75,000
The Justice Mapping Center
Grantee: Rutgers University Foundation
Theme: Race & Criminal Justice Reform
Grant amount: $200,000
Latino and Immigrant Children’s Health Coverage
Grantee: National Council of La Raza
Theme: Health System Reform
Grant amount: $600,000
Ensuring passage of the Community Safety Act
Grantee: New York Communities for Change
Theme: Race & Criminal Justice Reform
Grant amount: $100,000
Lifecourse Institute
Grantee: Galway University Foundation
Theme: Age-Friendly Communities & Policies
Grant amount: $1,929,150
Age Friendly Cities and Counties Initiative
Grantee: Ireland’s Age Friendly Cities and Counties Programme Ltd
Theme: Age-Friendly Communities & Policies
Grant amount: $2,529,299
Criminal Justice Organizing Project
Grantee: NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund
Theme: Race & Criminal Justice Reform
Grant amount: $300,000
Hurricane Sandy Relief
Grantee: North Star Fund, Inc.
Grant amount: $250,000
Building an Infrastructure for Effective Implementation
Grantee: Centre For Effective Services
Theme: Prevention and Early Intervention
Grant amount: $3,097,575
Institutional Support
Grantee: Treatment Action Campaign
Theme: Population Health
Grant amount: $1,519,607
Protecting Rights & Improving Policy and Services for minority ethnic communities in Northern Ireland
Grantee: Northern Ireland Council for Ethnic Minorities
Theme: Immigration & Migration
Grant amount: $1,207,745
Safe Communities Campaign
Grantee: National People's Action
Theme: Immigration & Migration
Grant amount: $400,000
Ageing Well Network
Grantee: Ageing Well Network
Theme: Age-Friendly Communities & Policies
Grant amount: $2,021,810
European Year of Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations 2012
Grantee: Ageing Well Network
Theme: Age-Friendly Communities & Policies
Grant amount: $259,640
General Operating Support
Grantee: National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy
Grant amount: $400,000
Promoting Children’s Health Coverage Through the Faith Community
Grantee: PICO National Network
Theme: Health System Reform
Grant amount: $500,000
Rural Women’s Action Research Project
Grantee: University of Cape Town Development Office
Theme: Delivering on Democracy
Grant amount: $791,959
Promoting Health Coverage of Children Through Ethnic Media and Youth-led Social Media
Grantee: Pacific News Service/New America Media
Theme: Health System Reform
Grant amount: $850,000
Camden Model Implementation and Replication
Grantee: PICO National Network
Theme: Health System Reform
Grant amount: $2,200,000
Criminal Justice Project
Grantee: NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund
Theme: Race & Criminal Justice Reform
Grant amount: $300,000
Core Support
Grantee: Bill of Rights Defense Committee
Grant amount: $200,000
Suffolk and Lenadoon Interface Group (SLIG)
Grantee: Suffolk Lenadoon Interface Group
Theme: Protecting Rights & Promoting Reconciliation
Grant amount: $705,513
Medical Backpack for ELAM Graduates
Grantee: Global Links
Theme: Population Health
Grant amount: $600,000
Racial Justice Grassroots Grantmaking
Grantee: Proteus Action League
Theme: Race & Criminal Justice Reform
Grant amount: $500,000
Enabling Communities to Influence Public Service Delivery
Grantee: Community Foundation for Northern Ireland
Theme: Protecting Rights & Promoting Reconciliation
Grant amount: $880,712
Age Friendly Communities
Grantee: Tides Foundation
Grant amount: $3,400,000
Diverse Elder Communities Initiative
Grantee: Services and Advocacy for GLBT Elders
Grant amount: $175,000
Human Development Foundation Emergency Flood Relief
Grantee: Human Development Foundation(HDF)-Mercy Centre
Grant amount: $297,000
Core Support
Grantee: Participation and the Practice of Rights Project
Theme: Protecting Rights & Promoting Reconciliation
Grant amount: $927,033
Diversity in Civic Engagement
Grantee: TrueChild, Inc.
Grant amount: $400,000
Building Movement Project
Grantee: Demos: A Network for Ideas & Action, Ltd.
Grant amount: $200,000
Department of Ageing and Life Course
Grantee: World Health Organization
Grant amount: $750,000
UNA – The Global Learning Network on Children and Ethnic Diversity
Grantee: Queen's University of Belfast Foundation
Grant amount: $164,070
Core Support
Grantee: Working America
Grant amount: $1,500,000
Core Support
Grantee: Center for Community Change Action
Grant amount: $3,900,000
Joint Aging/US cross-programme grant
Grantee: Center for Economic and Policy Research
Theme: Health System Reform
Grant amount: $750,000
Safe Women, Strong Nations
Grantee: Indian Law Resource Center
Grant amount: $500,000
Promoting Intergenerational Cooperation and Solidarity
Grantee: The Beth Johnson Foundation
Grant amount: $609,590
Core Support
Grantee: South Asian Americans Leading Together
Grant amount: $350,000
Reducing Disparities in Child Health and Increasing Social Inclusion
Grantee: U.S. Fund for UNICEF
Theme: Population Health
Grant amount: $3,000,000
Rural Poverty Cluster
Grantee: Centre for Education Policy Development
Theme: Delivering on Democracy
Grant amount: $6,460,252
Diverse Elder Communities Initiative
Grantee: Twenty-First Century Foundation
Grant amount: $1,542,600
Core Exit Support
Grantee: Communities In Schools National
Grant amount: $250,000
Age Friendly Environments International Planning and Workshop Seminar
Grantee: Ageing Well Network
Theme: Age-Friendly Communities & Policies
Grant amount: $43,376
Cross Programme Initiative: Renewal and Regeneration across the Lifecourse in Limerick City
Grantee: University of Limerick Foundation
Theme: Age-Friendly Communities & Policies
Grant amount: $1,328,649
Ageing Well Network (Phase III) Incorporating Age Friendly County Regional Roll-out
Grantee: Ageing Well Network
Theme: Age-Friendly Communities & Policies
Grant amount: $2,688,448
Implementation of Child & Family Support Programmes
Grantee: Archways
Theme: Prevention and Early Intervention
Grant amount: $3,122,326