Results List
Atlantic Fellows Program for Health Equity in South Africa
Grantee: Health Equity South Africa
Grant amount: $39,300,000
Inequality, Democracy and Social Change Leaders Programme
Grantee: London School of Economics and Political Science
Grant amount: $45,030
Admiral Nurses Programme
Grantee: Dementia UK
Grant amount: $314,510
Media Diversity Fellowship and Loaned Executive Programme
Grantee: Brave New Films
Grant amount: $2,500,000
Building Economic Security and Voice for Immigrant Farmworkers
Grantee: Equitable Food Initiative
Theme: Immigration & Migration
Grant amount: $2,000,000
Initiative on De-institutionalisation
Grantee: Lumos
Grant amount: $662,997
Emerging Leaders in Philanthropy
Grantee: Philanthropy New York
Theme: Effective Nonprofits & Philanthropy
Grant amount: $800,000
Leveraging Atlantic’s Experience and Learning to Advance Human Rights and Social Change
Grantee: The Social Change Initiative
Grant amount: $10,629,513
Building an Advocacy Infrastructure and Inspiring a Legacy of Support
Grantee: American Civil Liberties Union
Grant amount: $10,000,000
Evaluation of Primary Health Care and Human Resources in Health Programme
Grantee: The SEED Trust
Grant amount: $282,676
National Dementia Implementation Programme
Grantee: Health Service Executive
Theme: Dementia
Grant amount: $16,338,000
Pipeline to Opportunities Programme
Grantee: Alameda Health System Foundation
Grant amount: $10,000,000
Scaling of the Growing Child Programme in the Western Health & Social Services Trust Area, and Development of a Franchise Model
Grantee: Lifestart Foundation Ltd
Grant amount: $491,857
Health and Ageing Policy Fellows Programme
Grantee: Research Foundation for Mental Hygiene, Inc
Theme: Health System Reform
Grant amount: $4,700,000
Evaluation of the Age Friendly Cities and Counties Programme
Grantee: Middlequarter Limited
Grant amount: $353,990
Mainstreaming Programme – Implementation Nationally of a Prevention, Partnership and Family Support Model
Grantee: Galway University Foundation
Theme: Prevention and Early Intervention
Grant amount: $13,867,153
Older People Remaining at Home (OPRAH)
Grantee: Ireland’s Age Friendly Cities and Counties Programme Ltd
Theme: Dementia
Grant amount: $242,927
Brian O Connell Visiting African Scholars Fund
Grantee: University of the Western Cape
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $287,114
Palliative Care Cluster: Fellowships Consortium
Grantee: Cicely Saunders Institute
Theme: Palliative Care
Grant amount: $2,623,839
Equitable Food Initiative
Grantee: Oxfam-America Inc.
Theme: Immigration & Migration
Grant amount: $500,000
Integrated Literature Review and Development of Indicators Concerning Racial Equity and Student Outcomes
Grantee: National Academy of Sciences
Theme: Community Schools
Grant amount: $250,000
Supporting and Sustaining a National Hub for School-Based Health Care
Grantee: School-Based Health Alliance
Theme: Health System Reform
Grant amount: $2,500,000
The Healthy and Positive Ageing Outcomes Initiative
Grantee: Middlequarter Limited
Theme: Aging Research
Grant amount: $2,234,738
Human Capital Development
Grantee: Health Research Board
Theme: Dementia
Grant amount: $3,677,003
Reconciliation Programme Evaluation
Grantee: Colin Knox
Grant amount: $245,766
Ageing NI Programme Evaluation
Grantee: Luberon Partnership
Grant amount: $401,117
Rural Development Programme
Grantee: Legal Resources Trust
Theme: Delivering on Democracy
Grant amount: $799,628
Joint Government Initiatives – Shared Education Signature Programme (SESP)
Grantee: Department of Education NI
Theme: Protecting Rights & Promoting Reconciliation
Grant amount: $16,384,409
Joint Programme on Dementia
Grantee: Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety
Theme: Dementia
Grant amount: $4,109,392
Social Security Ambassadors Programme
Grantee: Center for Community Change Action
Grant amount: $775,000
Evaluation of Atlantic’s ROI Dementia Programme
Grantee: Galway University Foundation
Theme: Dementia
Grant amount: $688,350
Evaluation and Capturing the Learnings of Atlantic’s Human Rights Programme in Ireland
Grantee: Boyd Associates
Grant amount: $236,320
ARK Age Sector Programme
Grantee: Queen's University of Belfast Foundation
Theme: Aging Research
Grant amount: $796,689
Evaluation and Capturing the Learnings of Atlantic’s Human Rights Programme in Ireland
Grantee: Boyd Associates
Grant amount: $391,616
Living with Dementia Programme
Grantee: Dublin City University Educational Trust
Theme: Dementia
Grant amount: $1,238,501
Integrated Refugee Rights Programme
Grantee: HIVOS South Africa
Theme: Immigration & Migration
Grant amount: $3,160,960
Community Advice Office Sustainability Initiative
Grantee: Mott Foundation Advice Office Programme
Theme: Delivering on Democracy
Grant amount: $1,936,081
Age Friendly Cities and Counties Initiative
Grantee: Ireland’s Age Friendly Cities and Counties Programme Ltd
Theme: Age-Friendly Communities & Policies
Grant amount: $2,529,299
Community Advice Office Sustainability Initiative
Grantee: The South African Institute for Advancement
Theme: Delivering on Democracy
Grant amount: $101,036
Monitoring Capacity in the Nursing Sector and Using Case Studies to Evaluate Health Advocacy Initiatives
Grantee: Centre for Education Policy Development
Theme: Nursing
Grant amount: $289,065
Completion of the National Early Years Access Initiative
Grantee: Pobal
Theme: Prevention and Early Intervention
Grant amount: $42,328
Core Support
Grantee: Human Rights First
Grant amount: $2,300,000
School-Based Health Centre Transition and Sustainability
Grantee: Youth Development Incorporated
Theme: Community Schools
Grant amount: $300,000
School-Based Health Centre Transition and Sustainability
Grantee: Local Initiatives Support Corporation
Theme: Community Schools
Grant amount: $200,000
General Operating and Project Based Support
Grantee: Foundation Center
Theme: Effective Nonprofits & Philanthropy
Grant amount: $500,000
Older Peoples Civic Engagement
Grantee: Age and Opportunity
Grant amount: $1,270,083
Discipline Disparities Learning Network
Grantee: Brown University - Annenberg Institute for School Reform
Theme: School Discipline Reform
Grant amount: $1,000,000
Sustaining South African Health System Leadership and Management Development
Grantee: University of Cape Town Development Office
Theme: Population Health
Grant amount: $908,627
BELONG: Family Support Programme for Black and Minority Ethnic Children
Grantee: South Tyrone Empowerment Programme
Grant amount: $869,211
Migrant Support Programme
Grantee: South Tyrone Empowerment Programme
Theme: Immigration & Migration
Grant amount: $885,308