Results List
General Support for the Athletics and Events Center
Grantee: Ithaca College
Grant amount: $200,000
General Support for the Athletics and Events Center
Grantee: Ithaca College
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $100,000
Athletics and Events Center Renewal
Grantee: Ithaca College
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $4,000,000
Athletic and Events Center Extension
Grantee: Ithaca College
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $25,000,000
Ithaca College Athletics and Events Center
Grantee: Ithaca College
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $9,000,000
Pathways to Life Quality Longitudinal Study
Grantee: Ithaca College
Grant amount: $47,000
Pathways to Life Quality Longitudinal Study
Grantee: Cornell University - College of Human Ecology
Grant amount: $63,000
Gerontology in the Public Schools Curriculum
Grantee: Ithaca College
Grant amount: $240,000
Whalen Scholarship & Performance Exchange Program
Grantee: Ithaca College
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $250,000
Center for Faculty Research and Development
Grantee: Ithaca College
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $660,000
Center for the Study of Culture, Race and Ethnicity
Grantee: Ithaca College
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $400,000
Tri-Institutional Initiative
Grantee: Cornell University/Weill Medical College
Theme: Biomedical Research
Grant amount: $15,629,525
Tri-Institutional Initiative
Grantee: Cornell University - Office of the President
Theme: Biomedical Research
Grant amount: $5,487,311
Tri-Institutional Initiative
Grantee: Cornell University - Office of the President
Theme: Biomedical Research
Grant amount: $15,003,376
Tri-Institutional Initiative
Grantee: Rockefeller University
Theme: Biomedical Research
Grant amount: $29,800,000
Whalen Music Scholarship & Performance Exchange Fund
Grantee: University of Limerick Foundation
Grant amount: $267,473
Tri-Institutional Initiative
Grantee: Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Theme: Biomedical Research
Grant amount: $27,870,000
School of Music Expansion
Grantee: Ithaca College
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $7,000,000
Gerontology Institute
Grantee: Ithaca College
Grant amount: $185,000
Pathways to Life Quality
Grantee: Ithaca College
Grant amount: $787,319
President’s Discretionary Fund
Grantee: Ithaca College
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $100,000
White House Conference on Aging
Grantee: Cornell University - Bronfenbrenner Life Course Center
Grant amount: $10,000
President’s Discretionary Fund
Grantee: Ithaca College
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $300,000
Gerontology Institute
Grantee: Ithaca College
Grant amount: $570,000
Grantee: Ithaca College
Grant amount: $50,000
Internships for Faculty
Grantee: Ithaca College
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $25,000
Gerontology Program
Grantee: Ithaca College
Grant amount: $100,000
Public Service Internship Program
Grantee: Ithaca College
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $100,000
Matching Funds
Grantee: Ithaca College
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $50,000
Viewing 1-29 of 29