Results List
Incubation Period External Evaluation of the Atlantic Fellows for Health Equity program at George Washington University
Grantee: JSI Research & Training Institute
Grant amount: $400,000
Incubation Period External Evaluation of the Australian Atlantic Fellowship Program
Grantee: AMH Trust
Grant amount: $350,000
Incubation Period External Evaluation of the GOAL Phase Narrative Initiative
Grantee: Spark Policy Institute
Grant amount: $215,000
Incubation Period External Evaluation of the Australian Atlantic Fellowship Program
Grantee: Anne Markiewicz Associates
Grant amount: $200,000
Incubation Period External Evaluation of the Atlantic Fellows for Health Equity in South Africa
Grantee: Barbara Klugman Concepts
Grant amount: $600,000
Atlantic Fellowship Learning and Evaluation Community Support and Convening
Grantee: Social Science Research Council
Grant amount: $640,035
Incubation Period External Evaluation of the Atlantic Fellows for Racial Equity (AFRE)
Grantee: Social Science Research Council
Grant amount: $750,000
Incubation Evaluation of the Atlantic Fellows at the International Inequalities Institute at the London School of Economics and Political Science
Grantee: Social Science Research Council
Grant amount: $930,000
Incubation Evaluation of the Atlantic Institute at Rhodes Trust
Grantee: Institute for Voluntary Action Research
Grant amount: $825,000
Human Capital Development: Incubation Milestone Evaluation for the Global Brain Health Institute
Grantee: Center for Assessment and Policy Development
Grant amount: $2,000,000
Human Capital Development: Incubation Milestone Evaluation for the Health Equity Southeast Asia Initiative
Grantee: Social Science Research Council
Grant amount: $925,000
National Policy Analysis and Strategic Communications Support to Advance Elev8 and Other Community Schools and School-Based Health Centres
Grantee: Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law
Theme: Community Schools
Grant amount: $175,000
Extended Assessment and Dissemination of the Impact of Atlantic’s Capital Building Grantmaking
Grantee: MASS Design Group
Grant amount: $128,540
National Policy Advocacy and Communications Support for Linked Learning
Grantee: Williams-Group
Grant amount: $175,000
Capstone Evaluation Synthesis of Economic Security for Low-Income Elders
Grantee: North Star Planning and Evaluation Consultants, Inc.
Grant amount: $155,000
Evaluation of the Death Penalty Abolition Portfolio
Grantee: Utilization-Focused Evaluation
Theme: Death Penalty
Grant amount: $200,000
Cross-Initiative Evaluation and Dissemination of Lessons Concerning Advocacy in the United States
Grantee: Center for Evaluation Innovation, fiscal sponsor Innovation Network
Grant amount: $1,350,000
Elev8 National Phase III: Elev8 Chicago Evaluation and Advocacy
Grantee: Local Initiatives Support Corporation
Theme: Community Schools
Grant amount: $875,000
Elev8 National Phase III: Elev8 Baltimore Evaluation and Advocacy
Grantee: Humanim
Theme: Community Schools
Grant amount: $550,000
Elev8 National Phase III: Elev8 Oakland Evaluation and Advocacy
Grantee: Safe Passages
Theme: Community Schools
Grant amount: $700,000
Elev8 National Phase III: Elev8 New Mexico Evaluation and Advocacy
Grantee: Youth Development Incorporated
Theme: Community Schools
Grant amount: $875,000
Evaluation of Primary Health Care and Human Resources in Health Programme
Grantee: The SEED Trust
Grant amount: $282,676
Matched Grantmaking Preliminary Evaluation
Grantee: Mathematica Policy Research, Inc.
Grant amount: $125,000
Evaluation of National League of Cities Competitive Funding Model to Improve Access to Health Coverage for Children and Families
Grantee: Mathematica Policy Research, Inc.
Theme: Health System Reform
Grant amount: $177,149
Institute for Health Policy Studies – Campaign for Better Care Evaluation
Grantee: The Regents of the University of California
Theme: Health System Reform
Grant amount: $400,000
Evaluation of the Age Friendly Cities and Counties Programme
Grantee: Middlequarter Limited
Grant amount: $353,990
Ensuring the Delivery of Social Change
Grantee: Northern Ireland Council for Voluntary Action
Grant amount: $3,816,813
Older People Remaining at Home (OPRAH)
Grantee: Ireland’s Age Friendly Cities and Counties Programme Ltd
Theme: Dementia
Grant amount: $242,927
Shared Learning and Dissemination NI/ROI
Grantee: Clear Thinking Communications
Grant amount: $200,000
Shared Learning and Dissemination NI/ROI
Grantee: Clear Thinking Communications
Grant amount: $205,000
Completing and Disseminating External Evaluation of U.S. Human Capital Development in Ageing and Health Care
Grantee: Tides Center
Theme: Health System Reform
Grant amount: $150,000
Evaluation and Capturing the Learnings of Atlantic’s Human Rights Programme in Ireland
Grantee: Boyd Associates
Grant amount: $236,320
Reconciliation Programme Evaluation
Grantee: Colin Knox
Grant amount: $245,766
Ageing NI Programme Evaluation
Grantee: Luberon Partnership
Grant amount: $401,117
Evaluation of Genio’s Personalised Housing & Respite Care Models for People with Disabilities
Grantee: University College Dublin Foundation Limited
Theme: Disability
Grant amount: $282,224
Elev8 Baltimore Phase II Evaluation
Grantee: Carson Research Consulting, Inc.
Theme: Community Schools
Grant amount: $500,000
Evaluation and Capturing the Learnings of Atlantic’s Human Rights Programme in Ireland
Grantee: Boyd Associates
Grant amount: $391,616
Elev8 Chicago Evaluation
Grantee: Chapin Hall Center for Children at The University of Chicago
Theme: Community Schools
Grant amount: $800,000
Evaluation of Restorative Practices
Grantee: Johns Hopkins University - CSOS
Theme: School Discipline Reform
Grant amount: $1,000,000
School Discipline Portfolio Evaluation
Grantee: Philliber Research Associates
Theme: School Discipline Reform
Grant amount: $298,265
KidsWell Initiative Evaluation
Grantee: Mathematica Policy Research, Inc.
Theme: Health System Reform
Grant amount: $649,698
Evaluation of Atlantic’s ROI Dementia Programme
Grantee: Galway University Foundation
Theme: Dementia
Grant amount: $688,350
Producing and Using Social Research for Evaluation and Decision Making in Viet Nam’s Health Sector – Phase 2
Grantee: Social Science Research Council
Grant amount: $3,000,000
Final Evaluation of the Advancing Children’s Rights Objective in NI.
Grantee: Queen's University of Belfast Foundation
Grant amount: $321,930
Institute for Health Policy Studies – Campaign for Better Care Evaluation
Grantee: The Regents of the University of California
Theme: Health System Reform
Grant amount: $800,000
Elev8 Oakland Phase 2 Evaluation
Grantee: Bright Research Group Inc.
Theme: Community Schools
Grant amount: $650,000
Center for Education & Policy Research- Elev8 New Mexico Phase 2 Evaluation
Grantee: University of New Mexico
Theme: Community Schools
Grant amount: $800,000
Evaluation of the “Advancing Children’s Rights” Objective in RoI
Grantee: Cork University Foundation
Grant amount: $274,502
Evaluation of the “Improving Access to Justice for Migrants” objective in ROI
Grantee: RAND Europe Community Interest Company
Theme: Immigration & Migration
Grant amount: $352,931
Evaluation Conclusion
Grantee: Lifestart Foundation Ltd
Theme: Prevention and Early Intervention
Grant amount: $1,410,256