Results List
Development Phase of the Rialto Learning Community
Grantee: Fatima Regeneration Board
Theme: Prevention and Early Intervention
Grant amount: $555,000
Expansion of Core Operations
Grantee: Paraprofessional Healthcare Institute
Grant amount: $2,800,000
Expand support for dementia sufferers through improving advocacy
Grantee: Alzheimer's Society, Northern Ireland
Theme: Dementia
Grant amount: $485,575
Policy Information in Aging and Health Affairs Journal
Grantee: Project HOPE - The People-to-People Health Foundation, Inc.
Grant amount: $350,000
Cluster Evaluation of the US Disadvantaged Children and Youth Strategy for Keeping Children Engaged in Learning
Grantee: Harvard University
Grant amount: $302,000
Capacity Building for Advocacy for Irish Children
Grantee: Children's Rights Alliance
Theme: Advancing Children's Rights
Grant amount: $1,653,664
Campaign to Cover Uninsured Children
Grantee: Children's Defense Fund
Theme: Health System Reform
Grant amount: $500,000
Building the Capacity of Legal Services for Children
Grantee: Partnership for Children's Rights
Grant amount: $300,000
Adolescent Health Care Services and Models for Treatment, Prevention, and Healthy development
Grantee: National Academy of Sciences Board on Children Youth and Families
Grant amount: $1,800,000
The Cicely Saunders Institute of Palliative Care
Grantee: Cicely Saunders Institute
Theme: Palliative Care
Grant amount: $7,025,605
Preserving and Strengthening SCHIP and Medicaid to Enhance Health Coverage for Disadvantaged Children and Youth
Grantee: Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
Theme: Health System Reform
Grant amount: $1,500,000
Institute of Medicine Report: A Health Care Workforce for an Aging Society
Grantee: National Academies
Grant amount: $381,885
Coalition Against the Deportation of Irish Children
Grantee: Immigrant Council of Ireland
Theme: Immigration & Migration
Grant amount: $509,435
Case Study of the North Carolina Better Jobs Better Care project
Grantee: Penn State University
Grant amount: $64,491
The Nurse as Supervisor of Direct-Care Staff
Grantee: Paraprofessional Healthcare Institute
Grant amount: $2,350,000
Helping Policymakers Get it Right: Better Health Care for an Aging America
Grantee: George Washington University - National Health Policy Forum
Grant amount: $1,579,939
Innovative Medical Education Programme for Rural Health Care
Grantee: Boston University Family Medicine Global Health Collaborative
Theme: Population Health
Grant amount: $3,000,000
Planning an initiative for Children who live with Domestic Violence in County Mayo
Grantee: Society of St Vincent De Paul (Mayo)
Theme: Prevention and Early Intervention
Grant amount: $34,278
Health Technologies for Maternal and Newborn Care
Grantee: PATH
Theme: Population Health
Grant amount: $2,300,000
Planning for a Center to Advance Geriatric Care
Grantee: Mount Sinai School of Medicine/Department of Geriatrics
Grant amount: $420,000
Ensuring Effective Leadership to Improve Care to Older Adults: The Practice Change Fellows
Grantee: University of Colorado Denver
Grant amount: $6,400,000
Programme of research in Dementia Care by the Dementia Services Information and Development Centre
Grantee: Trinity Foundation
Theme: Dementia
Grant amount: $1,600,320
Hospice-at-Home Project
Grantee: Milford Care Centre
Theme: Palliative Care
Grant amount: $3,483,151
Supporting Positive Participation of Older People in Health and Health Care
Grantee: Center for the Advancement of Health
Grant amount: $620,000
Making It Work – Evidenced-Based Services to Improve Outcomes for Young Children
Grantee: Early Years
Grant amount: $4,256,611
Empowering Workers within Constituency-Based Advocacy
Grantee: Direct Care Alliance
Grant amount: $2,400,000
Implementation of Children’s Strategy
Grantee: Ballymun Partnership
Theme: Prevention and Early Intervention
Grant amount: $9,810,000
Project on Children’s Advocacy
Grantee: National Council of La Raza
Grant amount: $2,500,000
Implementation of Children’s Strategy
Grantee: Tallaght West CDI
Theme: Prevention and Early Intervention
Grant amount: $9,810,000
Children’s Institute
Grantee: University of Cape Town Development Office
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $2,033,200
Hospice Friendly Hospitals Project
Grantee: Irish Hospice Foundation
Theme: Palliative Care
Grant amount: $6,668,000
Improving the Quality of Child and Adolescent Health Coverage
Grantee: Center for Health Policy Development/National Academy for State Health Policy
Theme: Health System Reform
Grant amount: $1,500,000
The Practice Change Scholars: Phase I Planning
Grantee: University of Colorado Denver
Grant amount: $320,000
Incredible Years
Grantee: Archways
Theme: Prevention and Early Intervention
Grant amount: $2,553,844
The Centre of Excellence for Successful Ageing — Phase II (Capital Support)
Grantee: St James's Hospital
Grant amount: $22,404,481
Improving Geriatric Skills of Family Practitioners Planning Grant
Grantee: American Academy of Family Physicians Foundation
Grant amount: $450,000
Together 4 All – Supplementary Planning Grant
Grantee: Springwell Centre
Grant amount: $527,796
Discretionary Award
Grantee: New York Academy of Medicine
Grant amount: $300,000
Discretionary Award
Grantee: American Geriatrics Society
Grant amount: $100,000
Empowering Midwives for Healthy Mothers and Healthy Babies
Grantee: University of KwaZulu-Natal Foundation
Theme: Nursing
Grant amount: $2,469,566
District Health Barometer
Grantee: Health Systems Trust
Theme: Population Health
Grant amount: $746,147
(Second) Extension of Planning Support
Grantee: Shanty Educational Project Ltd. (An Cosan)
Theme: Prevention and Early Intervention
Grant amount: $206,773
Planning Grant
Grantee: Early Years
Grant amount: $431,372
Institutional Support to Southern African HIV Clinicians Society
Grantee: Southern African HIV Clinicians Society
Theme: Population Health
Grant amount: $1,365,525
Beeson Physician Faculty Scholars Programme for the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland
Grantee: American Federation for Aging Research
Grant amount: $3,000,000
Strategic Planning to Strengthen the Capacity of Nonprofits
Grantee: Bridgespan Group
Grant amount: $2,000,000
Prevention Action Website
Grantee: Warren House Group
Grant amount: $1,053,841
Big Brothers Big Sisters Ireland
Grantee: Foróige
Theme: Prevention and Early Intervention
Grant amount: $3,200,640
Planning National Replication of Single Stop
Grantee: Vera Institute of Justice
Grant amount: $940,000
Planning Grant
Grantee: Parenting NI Ltd
Grant amount: $455,653