Results List
Pro Humanitate Fund
Grantee: Wake Forest University
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $384,000
Strengthening the Capacity of State and Local Nonprofit Coalitions
Grantee: Independent Sector
Theme: Effective Nonprofits & Philanthropy
Grant amount: $500,000
Expansion of the President’s Student Service Awards
Grantee: American Institute for Public Service
Theme: Effective Nonprofits & Philanthropy
Grant amount: $150,000
Public Seminar
Grantee: University of Cape Town Development Office
Theme: Delivering on Democracy
Grant amount: $77,977
Volunteer Match Web Service
Grantee: ImpactOnline, Inc.
Theme: Effective Nonprofits & Philanthropy
Grant amount: $200,000
Children’s Health Service Accreditation
Grantee: St. Christopher's, Inc.
Grant amount: $40,000
Public Outreach and Education Programs
Grantee: Paleontological Research Institution
Grant amount: $200,000
Center on Public College and University Trusteeship and Governance
Grantee: Association of Governing Boards of Universities & Colleges
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $1,017,000
Who’s Teaching Now?
Grantee: Public Agenda Foundation
Grant amount: $150,000
Grantee: University of Washington - Graduate School of Public Affairs
Theme: Effective Nonprofits & Philanthropy
Grant amount: $33,013
Core Support
Grantee: Center for Public Integrity
Grant amount: $200,000
Web Catalog Conversion
Grantee: New York Public Library
Grant amount: $7,900,000
National Firearm Injury Reporting System
Grantee: Harvard University - School of Public Health
Grant amount: $750,000
Core Support
Grantee: Duke University - Terry Sanford Institute of Public Policy
Theme: Effective Nonprofits & Philanthropy
Grant amount: $35,000
Fellowship Program Services Support
Grantee: echoing green foundation
Theme: Effective Nonprofits & Philanthropy
Grant amount: $7,500,000
Voluntary Sector Policy Centre Director
Grantee: University College London
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $313,766
Core Support
Grantee: Schools Outreach
Grant amount: $145,980
Training Program
Grantee: University of The Witwatersrand Foundation
Theme: Delivering on Democracy
Grant amount: $44,276
Core Support
Grantee: Legal Resources Trust
Theme: Delivering on Democracy
Grant amount: $108,476
Broadcast of ‘Regret to Inform’
Grantee: Sun Fountain Productions, Inc.
Grant amount: $1,408,000
Regret to Inform’ Documentary Film
Grantee: Sun Fountain Productions, Inc.
Grant amount: $275,000
Volunteerism Study
Grantee: University of Notre Dame
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $27,060
School-Age Care Programs
Grantee: New York Community Trust
Grant amount: $50,000
Core Support
Grantee: Teenage Care Foundation Housing Association
Grant amount: $124,166
Core Support
Grantee: Aspen Institute
Grant amount: $500,000
Global Public Service Law Program
Grantee: New York University School of Law
Theme: Effective Nonprofits & Philanthropy
Grant amount: $4,707,100
Center on Reinventing Public Education
Grantee: University of Washington Graduate School of Public Affairs
Grant amount: $450,000
Center for the Study of Voluntary Organizations and Service
Grantee: Georgetown University
Theme: Effective Nonprofits & Philanthropy
Grant amount: $350,460
Community Service Module
Grantee: University of Ulster Foundation
Grant amount: $100,872
Information Technology and Nonprofit Public Policy Participation
Grantee: Focus Project, Inc.
Theme: Effective Nonprofits & Philanthropy
Grant amount: $100,000
Management Support Service
Grantee: Disability Federation of Ireland
Theme: Effective Nonprofits & Philanthropy
Grant amount: $166,336
Public Interest Summer Committee Grants
Grantee: New York University School of Law
Theme: Effective Nonprofits & Philanthropy
Grant amount: $100,000
Charity Lobbying in the Public Interest
Grantee: Independent Sector
Theme: Effective Nonprofits & Philanthropy
Grant amount: $200,000
Feasibility Study
Grantee: European Citizens Action Service
Theme: Effective Nonprofits & Philanthropy
Grant amount: $31,983
Technical Support
Grantee: Parents for Public Schools
Grant amount: $225,000
Local Education Funds
Grantee: Public Education Network
Grant amount: $450,000
Core Support
Grantee: Ulster Quaker Service Committee
Grant amount: $231,136
Pilot Program
Grantee: Montclair Public Library
Grant amount: $65,250
Conference Support
Grantee: Center for Media and Public Affairs
Theme: Effective Nonprofits & Philanthropy
Grant amount: $25,000
Grantee: Youth Service America
Theme: Effective Nonprofits & Philanthropy
Grant amount: $300,000
Feasibility Study
Grantee: Tompkins County Public Library Foundation
Grant amount: $9,400
Hart Leadership Program
Grantee: Duke University - Terry Sanford Institute of Public Policy
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $1,000,000
Core Support
Grantee: Duke University - Terry Sanford Institute of Public Policy
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $30,000
The Leadership Initiative
Grantee: Duke University - Terry Sanford Institute of Public Policy
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $790,000
Evaluation of Youth Mentor Programs
Grantee: Public/Private Ventures
Grant amount: $1,200,000
Research and Information Campaign
Grantee: American Council on Education
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $230,000
Maecenata Institute for Third Sector Research
Grantee: Maecenata Institute Dritter-Sektor-Forschung
Theme: Effective Nonprofits & Philanthropy
Grant amount: $646,212
Bloody Sunday Trust
Grantee: British Irish Rights Watch
Grant amount: $70,052
Johns Hopkins International Comparative Study of the Non Profit Sector
Grantee: University of The Witwatersrand Foundation
Theme: Effective Nonprofits & Philanthropy
Grant amount: $123,225
Phase I of the 990 Project
Grantee: CompassPoint
Theme: Effective Nonprofits & Philanthropy
Grant amount: $67,000