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UCT’s Law, Race and Gender Unit Takes on the Controversial Traditional Courts Bill

Resource type: Video

University of Cape Town’s Law, Race and Gender Unit (LRG), an Atlantic grantee, is working with the Legal Resources Centre and local community-based organisations to ensure that people living in South African rural villages will have an opportunity to speak out against the proposed passage of the Traditional Courts Bill, which is considered unconstitutional by legal experts. This video provides an overview of the Bill and the need to ensure that the legislation is based on the views and needs expressed by ordinary rural people in the process.

Rural Women’s Action Research (RWAR), another Atlantic grantee, is working to support rural communities, especially women, who live under systems of customary law and traditional governance.

Traditional Court in Limpopo ProvinceThe Law Race and Gender Unit at The University of Cape Town and the Rural Women’s Action Research are Atlantic grantees.