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Speaking from the Margins: Trans Mental Health and Wellbeing in Ireland

Resource type: Research Report

Transgender Equality Network Ireland |

Trans people in the Republic of Ireland are at much higher risk of negative mental health, self-harm and suicide than the general population, according to the results of the largest study of transgender people ever carried out in Ireland. Almost half of the study’s participants reported having self-harmed at some point in their lives. Almost 80 per cent had considered suicide, and half of those people had made at least one attempt.

This report summarises the study’s results and offers crucial Information on key health indicators of trans people. The report also provides recommendations for service development and future research, finding a critical need for greater education and awareness of trans experiences, and for the development of appropriate trans health services.

Learn More

> Visit the Transgender Equality Network Ireland website

Transgender Equality Network Ireland (TENI) is an Atlantic grantee and a member of the Atlantic-funded LGBT diversity collaborative. 

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Republic of Ireland


TENI, Transgender Equality Network Ireland