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Recent Children & Youth events help raise awareness for children’s rights

Resource type: News

The Atlantic Philanthropies |

The Children & Youth teams in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland jointly hosted a Youth Civic Action Workshop together with grantees and the UNESCO Chairs at NUIG and University of Ulster. They also hosted a joint event to present their new Strategy to their Grantees. 

Youth Civic Action Workshop

The C&Y strategy for Ireland North & South identifies the development of youth voice and leadership capacity as a key potential focus for its work on advancing Children’s rights.  The purpose of this event was to explore and share thoughts and opinions on youth civic action and how it builds skills, resilience and social justice among young people.  The workshop was attended by 42 participants from organisations involved in general youth development to others specifically focused on providing youth leadership opportunities.  Atlantic’s initiative in co-hosting the workshop was to inform its thinking about needs in the area of youth civic action and how Atlantic could help make a difference in the area. 


Children & Youth Strategy Dissemination to Grantees in Ireland

The Children & Youth teams in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland recently hosted a joint event to present their new Strategy to their Grantees.  It provided an opportunity to discuss the Strategy and to gain feedback from their Grantees.  There were approximately 55 people in attendance and it provided a useful opportunity for Grantees to network with each other.